Monday, March 19, 2012

We have a CTO!

Yes, we, the market research company, now have a CTO! Read below for all the details, but needless to say this is very exciting and huge for Sentient Services and our social innovation and market research platform -

Sentient Services hires best-selling author and renowned developer – Bruce Tate (March 2012)

[Austin, Texas. March 2012. For immediate release.]

Bruce Tate has joined Sentient Services as CTO and will head up all technology practices, including Sentient Services’ groundbreaking social innovation and research platform ( Bruce is an internationally in-demand speaker (Ruby World in Japan, The Server Side Symposium and other), and best-selling author, including the Jolt award winning Seven Languages in Seven Weeks and From Java to Ruby.

Prior to joining Sentient Services, Bruce founded and ran RapidRed which worked with high growth start-ups to rapidly build genre-leading web applications such as DigtheDirt. Bruce spent 13 years at IBM, including co-authoring several IBM patents and serving on IBM’s certification board for application development.

Bruce will be managing the platform – a patent-pending SaaS solution providing crowdsourced innovation, customer engagement and market research in a seamless, scalable and dead-simple platform. Since its quiet launch by Sentient Services in 2011, it has changed the way organizations engage with customers, innovate and conduct market research.  

Sentient Services CEO and icanmakeitbetter founder Paul Janowitz states: “Bruce’s is nothing short of a huge win for us. Bruce’s proven experience with rapid application development for scalable social platforms with leading technologies such as Ruby on Rails will let us move quickly to build the next generation of market research and innovation software. Having Bruce full-time as our CTO changes the game. Expect big things to come out of Sentient Services and the platform.”

About Sentient Services, LP
Sentient Services is a Knowledge Studio® - the amalgamation of market research, user experience and information design practices. We leverage these core competencies for our clients in product development, interactive, usability, sales, marketing and branding.

icanmakeitbetter is a patent-pending, revolutionary social innovation and market research platform developed from the ground up by Sentient Services. icanmakeitbetter enables organizations to create, share, and act upon ideas to drive innovation, engage customers and conduct market research.

For more information on Sentient Services or icanmakeitbetter, please go to:

Paul Janowitz

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